This is the third time that Sun Cho has been employed by the state department since her graduation from
Strangely the spokesman for the State Department, Sean McCormack, immediately wished to disassociate the department with Cho Seung-Hui’s sister, even going as far as to deny her employment; "this person is not a direct-hire employee of the State Department." He refused to make any further comment.
According to US officials and a State Department staff directory she works from an annex near the department's headquarters in
The Iraq Reconstruction Management Office was established by a Presidential Directive to coordinate the U.S. reconstruction program in Iraq, in cooperation with U.S. government agencies and the Iraqi government.
The office also has several Washington-based positions.
"Our mission is to support the sovereign, democratic rights of the Iraqi people to govern themselves, defend their country and rebuild their economy," the office says in its recruiting brochure. "This ongoing mission is one that is unprecedented in size and scope."
Sun Kyung-Cho also worked at the Department's International Labour Office along with a three-month economics internship. Afterwards she began her senior year at the US Embassy in Bangkok, sponsored by Princtosn International Internship Program.
"They were the most amazing three months of my life," Sun Cho told the university's weekly bulletin in November 24, 2003, article about the program, describing her experiences in the Thai capital.
"I found that the best way to get to know the city was taking the skytrain to random locations and walking around for a couple of hours."
"I think it is always easy for Americans to maintain an American way of life abroad. The best thing is to avoid these traps and go out there and immerse yourself in a new culture."
The article described a visit to a border town where she saw deplorable working conditions for Burmese migrant workers.
She said the experience was so profound that after returning to campus, she changed the focus of her senior thesis to a more labour-related topic.
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One Memorіal Daу, аfter bеing unаble
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