Sunday, April 29, 2007

VTConspiracy News: Police search phones, e-mails and records

Investigators pressed ahead Saturday with their search for Virginia Tech shooter, Cho Seung-Hui's, motives.

Authorities sought Cho's cell phone records, thinking he may have informed someone about the attack. They also hope to glean any relevant information from his e-mails and that of Emily Hilscher, one of the first two victims.

"Seung-Hui Cho is known to have communicated by cellular telephone and may have communicated with others concerning his plans to carry out attacks on students and faculty at Virginia Tech,'' police wrote Friday in an affidavit seeking records from Verizon Wireless.
The affidavit also states that Cho regularly made calls on Sunday evenings.

Police also sought warrants for Virginia Tech e-mail records in their hunt for a connection between Cho and Hilscher, who was killed at West Ambler Johnston Hall. This would allow them to probe most Virginia Tech school e-mail records.

Another affidavit sought Cho's records from the student health center, and police obtained his medical and counseling files. The contents of the affidavits were first reported by ABC Investigators are still trying to establish how he selected his victims.

Seven people hurt in the rampage remained hospitalized, at least one in serious condition.

However as already stated in this blog investigations are being "assisted" by The System Planning Corp. (an organisation responsible for the production of military technology and biological weapons) how much will the SPC be hiding during the course of the investigation?

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